LIBRO Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down de J. Gordon PDF ePub
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Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down de J. Gordon
Descripción - CrÃticas 'Here we have the conversation in the unbuttoned mood of a learned engineer with wide sympathies about his art, its history, its range, and the silly things which happen. It reads easily and has immense charm.'--Architect's Journal 'Rich and readable...personal, witty, and ironic.'--Scientific American 'It is really, really good if you want a primer on structural design.'--Elon Musk Reseña del editor For anyone who has ever wondered why suspension bridges don't collapse under eight lanes of traffic, how dams hold back-or give way under-thousands of gallons of water, or what principles guide the design of a skyscraper or a kangaroo, this book will ease your anxiety and answer your questions. J. E. Gordon strips engineering of its confusing technical terms, communicating its founding principles in accessible, witty prose. BiografÃa del autor J. E. Gordon, a professor at the University of Reading, is renowned for his research in plastics, crystals, and new materials.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down
- Autor: J. Gordon
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografÃa,Arquitectura
- Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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